Quantum computing is rapidly progressing from a theoretical concept to an inexorable near-term reality. Amid growing technological maturity, increasing complexity of use cases, and surging private and public investment, questions loom: 

  • Are we on the right track to effectively harness this immense potential and facilitate the transition from today's experimental stage to widespread industrial adoption of quantum computing technology? ? 
  • What do businesses and the economy in Germany and Europe need to become quantum-ready and fully exploit the potential of quantum computing?  
  • What technological, structural, and economic conditions need to be in place and what barriers need to be overcome? 

Join us on 25 and 26 September in the vibrant city of Berlin for the Quantum Summit 2024 – the top event on quantum computing in Germany! This is your chance to engage in face-to-face discussions about these critical questions. Meet influential decision-makers from industry, government and research. Network and exchange key insights on the implementation and impact of quantum computing across the entire value chain. And discover how current political, economic, and technological developments are shaping the future of quantum computing in Europe. 

We will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the progress, strategies, and technological solutions in the field. In collaboration with our partner conference - the AI & Data Summit 2024 - we will spend these two days exploring how to unlock the value of technology for your business. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be at the forefront of the quantum revolution.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Berlin! 

Quantencomputing Veranstaltung in Berlin

Developing a holistic ecosystem

What is the state of the art in the market and technology of quantum computing in Germany and Europe? Which role does Germany play in global quantum computing governance? And what is required for a successful development? Receive an overview on those questions as well as funding and investment frameworks at #quantumsummit24!

Deployment & exploitation

Should I explore quantum computing potentials for my business, where and when should I start, how do I orient myself in various offerings? Find the answers at Quantum Summit 2024! Get inspired by potential benefits of quantum computing in various business sectors, learn about implementation strategies and first-hand accounts from practical usage and how to make your business “quantum-ready” today.


Quantencomputer für Unternehmen


News Overview