Thomas Strohm

Thomas Strohm

Chief Expert for Quantum Technologies,

Robert Bosch GmbH / European Quantum Industry Consortium e.V. (QuIC)

Dr. Thomas Strohm received his PhD in 1999 at the MPI for Solid State Research in Stuttgart where he did theoretical work on high-temperature superconductors. Thomas then joined the Corporate Research division of Robert Bosch GmbH and worked for more than 10 years in software engineering research and as a system and software architect. In 2013, he started building up the research activities on quantum technologies at Bosch. Currently, Thomas is Chief Expert for Quantum Technologies at Bosch. Bosch has R&D activities in quantum computing applications and in quantum sensing. Thomas until recently contributed to two EU-funded projects, the Quantum Flagship's Coordination and Support Action QFlag and QRANGE, a project for quantum random number generators. In 2020, he was a key person in establishing the European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC), where he acts as a vice president and work group leader. And also represents QuIC in the Strategic Advisory Board of the Quantum Flagship. Thomas is also part of the steering committee of the German Quantum Technology and Applications Consortium (QUTAC). Thomas contributes technical work in the QUTAC’s work group on quantum systems and to Bosch’s quantum magnetometer R&D project.