Dr Ulrich Seyfarth

Dr Ulrich Seyfarth


BearingPoint GmbH

Ulrich Seyfarth is the manager for quantum technologies at BearingPoint and has a strong scientific background in this topic. His attention to quantum technologies started 2005 in France with a theoretical work on nanotubes and Josephson junctions. Ulrich Seyfarth built then a strong connection to QKD and data security (Diploma on QKD protocols, was member of a predecessor of Germanys cyber-security research-center ATHENE in Darmstadt) and broadened his quantum technology expertise in his theoretical PhD in 2013 (TU Darmstadt) about quantum tomography (construction of mutually unbiased bases) and the security analysis of a QKD scheme. He moved to MPL in Erlangen to work with Gerd Leuchs and Luis Sanchez-Soto, focussing also on high-order polarisations in SU(2) and the derivation of Wigner functions for SU(1,1) symmetric states. He moved to BearingPoint in 2021 to ramp up the companies' activities in the quantum technology sector and is active with his group in different quantum technology projects.