Case-studies on hybrid quantum solvers for business relevant optimization use-cases


Uncertainty Stage

Deep Dive: Optimisation: Use Cases, Tools & Methods

In this talk we present two optimization case-studies where hybrid quantum computing is used to solve problems from BASF business units, along with some comparisons to an industry grade classical solver. The use-cases are in the field of logistics and production scheduling, which are extremely important to the industry in general. We benchmark across a variety of different modelling techniques for both hybrid quantum classical and purely classical. We find that the current hybrid solvers from DWave are able to provide competitive results to their classical counterpart. However, we also emphasize the gap of understanding which needs to filled for the solution technique to act as an end-to-end methodology. This work was carried out under the QCHALLenge Project (BMWK funded) in cooperation with LMU, SAP, Siemens and BMW.
