Artificial intelligence: in which professions changes are expected


  • Germans see AI influence primarily in finance and IT
  • The military and the judiciary are expected to have the least impact

Berlin, 22 April 2024 - The vast majority of Germans expect artificial intelligence to change numerous professions in the coming years. For example, 62% assume that activities in the financial sector, such as in banks, insurance companies or on the stock exchange, will change. This is closely followed by IT professions and software development (60 percent). In third place are manufacturing, production and retail with 56% each. These are the results of a survey of 1,004 people aged 16 and over commissioned by the digital association Bitkom. "Progress in the field of generative AI has been rapid in recent months. Artificial intelligence is developing into a powerful tool in most professions, comparable to the introduction of the computer in the world of work - only at a much faster pace," says Bitkom CEO Dr. Bernhard Rohleder. "The use of artificial intelligence will be of great importance in many professions. Everyone should familiarize themselves with AI now and train themselves accordingly."

A majority (55%) also expect changes in the education sector, for example for teachers and professors. The same applies to the creative industries (54%), for example music, photography, graphic design or literature, as well as media and communication (52%). Just under half (48%) expect AI to bring about changes in human resources.  In the healthcare sector, 39% expect AI to bring about changes, while the figure is also 39% for the police and 34% for the military. At the bottom of the list is the legal sector (30 percent), for example with lawyers. Rohleder: "In some cases, AI is still underestimated. AI is already being used extensively in the judiciary and the military in particular. AI analyzes huge pleadings in law firms and searches current case law for courts, and the technology is widely used in the military, from analyzing satellite images to controlling drones."

